The PROV Map Warper is a tool for digitally aligning ('rectifying') historical maps and plans from Public Record Office Victoria's collections to match today's precise maps. Visitors can browse already rectified maps or assist us by aligning a map. Play the video above to tour the site and learn how to rectify a map yourself.
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Monegeetta DOWLING FORES NERRENA Croydon HAY Jika Jika Penshurst Genoa Neerim Junction Undowah Wangoom Tatyoon Bookaar Marysville Wurdi-Youang Bourke Curyo Conooer East Swanwater Mornington Peninsula Wondoomarook TAMLEUGH KILNOORAT tullamarine Blackwood Happy Valley Portarlington Wyuna Wanalta Lacepede Pyalong Pimpinio Mullungdung Yalmy Point Nepean Port Phillip Tallycaroopna WORMANGAL Gowar East Woodstock Telangatuk Poolaijelo SEYMORE TALLAROOK Redbank Bittern HARCOUR Wire Crass Creek MOUNT KAY Avenel Burrowye Nyah West Bete Bolong Thunder Swamp Wildlife Reserve Brim CUNDARE Dlinmunkle TURPUMBARRY NORTH Bruk Bruk Wingan Kalimna Panyule Kerang Bolerch Moranghurk Inverleigh Worragee Angelsey Tarneit KANAWINKA Murtcaim Yarrara Rushworth Euroa, Bonnie Doon, Brankeet Broomfield Wongan KOORAGAN Bowenvale Karnak Poliah Upper Gundowring Winchlesea Strathmore Piangil Sherwood Nerring NULLAWARRE Merino Pendyk Pendyk Ashbourne Jennawarra Eumemmerring Moroka Birdwoodton Cheshunt Burrumboot NYGAN Stony Desert Bonnie Doon Cragg Island Callawadda Yinnar
Map | Title | Year | Last Updated | Status |
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Many of the early goldfields surveys were undertaken to compile topographic information as rapidly as possible. Miners had flocked to unsettled and unsurveyed areas and before townships, roads, reserves and Crown allotments could be laid out basic geographical information was required, including the position of rivers, ranges, and also the location of squatting and mining settlements. These plans often contain many details of historical interest.Plans drawn in later and less pressing circumstances often reveal less, as they were prepared for more specific purposes. This is a sub collection of VPRS 8168 Historic Plan Collection.
PROV Digital Catalogue
about 20 hours ago | 3 control points | |
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PROC PROCLAIMED ROADS 1876 - 1890 Under the Local Government Act passed in 1869 municipal councils had power to manage all lands which were defined as roads by formal proclamation. From 1876 proclamations were published in the Government Gazette and these referred to special plans on which the proclaimed roads were shaded. Proclamation proceeded systematically, with plans being produced for whole parishes. This procedure was operative until the early 1890's by which time approximately 1200 parishes had been gazetted. Thereafter proclamation was considered unnecessary if road abuttals were shown on Crown grant title deeds. If abuttals were found not to exist along any particular surveyed road, an ad hoc proclamation would be gazetted. The method of systematically defining roads, parish by parish, was undoubtedly time consuming. But it did produce a concise geographical picture and the proclaimed road plans remain important legal documents. To determine the extent of proclaimed roads in parishes which were not gazetted, it is necessary to investigate the title for each Crown allotment and search all Government Gazettes for any ad hoc proclamations post-dating the early 1890's. This is a subcollection from VPRS 8168 Historic Plan Collection.
PROV Digital Catalogue
about 20 hours ago | 3 control points | |
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These plans portray the large areas of Crown Land licensed by squatters for grazing.
All plans show the boundaries of the runs and those plans which refer to only one or a few runs may also give descriptions of vegetation and relief and plot tracks, fences, and huts.
The sub-collection comprises three parts. Nos. 1-400 are a mixture of manuscripts drawn at small and large scales and may depict individual runs, or the array of runs occurring over whole regions. Nos. 401-1381 deal with individual runs and may be rough sketches or more carefully compiled manuscripts. These were originally held within pastoral run files, but in the course of microfilming these files prior to their transfer to the Public Record Office, Laverton the plans were extracted, repaired and formally added to the sub-collection. Nos. 1382 onwards are printed maps showing the distribution of runs over large areas.
PROV Digital Catalogue
1848 | about 21 hours ago | 3 control points |
Mosaic | Title | Year | Last Updated | Number of Maps | Percentage Complete |
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ST Kilda MMBW Mosaic
A mosaic of 20 MMBW maps of the ST Kild area, Melbourne originating from Detailed Base Plans [DP] 40'=1" Numeric VPRS 8601/P0001 Compiled by Asa Letourneau. Download KML |
about 2 years ago | 20 maps |
100% (20 maps) |
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Gippsland Mapping - Sale Map Sheet 8321-4
VPRS 16625/P1 Aerial Photographs 1978-1979. This series of Aerial Photographs consists of diapositives and prints. These are generally copies of Department of Crown Lands and Survey (VA 538) aerial photography and in most cases were part of standard Department of Crown Lands and Survey Map Sheet Set. These were used by the State Rivers and Water Commission (VA 723), the Rural Water Commission (VA 2338), and the Rural Water Corporation (VA 4234) to produce Photomosaics to record flood elevations and extents and assist in the design of rural water supply infrastructure. Compiled by Asa Letourneau. Download KML |
1978 | about 3 years ago | 7 maps |
100% (7 maps) |
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Ararat Township Parish Plan mosaic
A mosaic made up of Ararat Township Parish Plans, 1,2,3,4 from from VPRS 16171 Regional Land Office Parish and Township Plans Digitised Reference Set. Compiled by Asa Letourneau. |
almost 4 years ago | 4 maps |
100% (4 maps) |